Dragon Galaxy Banner

I make games under the alias of Dragon Galaxy. You can download these games from itch.io.

This page serves as a showcase of the games I've made (in reverse chronological order).


I'm working on two games currently. One of these is a more polished version of Perspective Pup which you can try here. The other is a third-person, 3D platformer.

Toria the One

Released April 2022

This game was made by myself and Travis McPhee in 48 hours for the Mini Jame Gam 9. The theme was "Only one", and the game had to include a special object, which was "A Chain". The game is a single boss battle against a minotaur who uses a chain attack to hurt you. You must jump over/dodge the chain attacks to charge a magical orb and eventually win.

The game achieved 7th place overall out of 83 entries.


Tracing the Signal

Released September 2021

This game was made in 48 hours for the Area of Effect Game Jam 2021. The theme was "Signs of Life". You pilot a space ship by slinging it from the gravity of surrounding planets as you make your way towards a black hole to uncover a mysterious alien signal.

The game achieved 1st place from the judges and was ranked 1st out of 41 games in the gameplay category by community votes.

Sandy Scoops

Released August 2021

This game was created in two weeks for the LOWREZJAM2021. All games submitted for this game jam must be played at a resolution of 64x64 or lower. It can be upscaled for modern monitors but the visuals should still conform to the 64x64 resolution limit.

You can play it through your browser on itch.io!


The Apothecary's Apprentice

Released December 2020

The Apothecarys Apprentice was made as part of the final assignment for the Games Production course at UoN. It has been updated since that assignment submission to add new features such as a speedrun timer, game end scene and general polish.

You can read about it's creation here!


Released November 2020

This game started as a personal challenge to see if I could implement a procedurally generated cave system similar to the style seen in the game Lego Rock Raiders (PC). I was able to achieve that goal so I expanded it into a short game where you must escape the caves by building an escape teleporter before you run out of oxygen.

Scales of Stardust

Released April 2020

Scales of Stardust is a tight platformer that has the unique mechanic of fling stars to propel you through the levels. There are five levels in total, with the 5th level added after it's initial release using the mechanic of bunny hopping.

Perspective Pup

Released January 2020

Created over a month, Perspective Pup Classic uses mechanics similar to the popular game FEZ. You can play in 2D as if the game were a 2D platformer, even through the world is build in 3D. You can rotate the view of the world in 90 degree increments to move in the different dimentions. Additionally, you can switch pretween this 2D view and a typical 3D third-person view to platform in the third dimention.


I didn't release any games during 2019 as I was focusing on improving my art/drawing skills. I did work on a few unreleased personal projects however.


Silent Crabwalk

Released September 2018

This game was made in a few days as part of a game jam. The theme was "GENRE but you can't MECHANIC" eg, platformer but you cant jump, FPS but you can't shoot, etc. This is a rhythm game with mostly no sound. It starts with a beat but it fades away and you have to keep the rhythm.


Cubic Grounds

Completed Late 2017

Ingame screenshot Desert Biome Snow Biome Underground screenshot Chest Inventory UI Furnace UI Blueprints screen Help Screen

This game was built over my last year at high school as a final project for Software Design and Development. It contains a procedurally generated 2D world that can be created in one of three different world sizes. It contains three biomes, each with unique terrain and blocks. Underground are ores that generate in different amounts and at different depths. There is a crafting system akin to the one in Minecraft. There are two friendly creatures (cows and dogs) and two hostile creatures (skeletons and slimes). The game also contains a day-night cycle and a lighting system. The game was programmed in Python 3 using the Pygame Module.


Woodland Warfare

Completed 2016

Woodland Warfare day Woodland Warfare night Woodland Warfare main menu

Another school project that Travis McPhee and I created. This was for the HSC Software Design and Development course.


Woolie Invaders

Completed 2015

Woolie Invaders ingame screenshot Woolie Invaders help screen

This is the first real game I ever made. It was made with Travis McPhee for a high school IST class project.